The history of the Hotel "Schloss Friedestrom"
The history of the Hotel in Zons
The Hahn restaurant and garden pub (Rheintor 235) in 1906. To the left of the restaurant building, which can still be seen here in its original state with small windows and curved dormer windows, the owner Johann Hahn set up a ‘bee house’ in 1903 where visitors could view beehives (the house was the clubhouse of the beekeeping association founded in 1895, and Johann Hahn was chairman of the association for a long time). On the far right is the entrance to the “Volksgarten”, which was laid out in the same year. A coal store had previously been located here. The building was erected in 1829 by Heinrich Schneider, about whom nothing more is known. On 28 June 1832, the building was divided up and passed to the widow Lambert Mohr in Monheim. The house of the Schoenen family to the right, which still exists today and in which the Zons dialect poet Hans Sürtenich grew up from the age of four, was only a few years old at the time the photo was taken.
A place with character -
The story behind the Hotel "Schloss Friedestrom" Zons Dormagen near Düsseldorf
The inn had existed since at least 1842: On February 16 of that year, Johannes Bollig (who was apparently related to Johann Hahn’s mother, Margarethe, née Bollig) acquired the building from the widow Mohr. He is mentioned in an 1844 address book as a coal merchant, innkeeper and brewer. An act of sale on 11.07.1855 brought the pub into the ownership of Johann Hahn. However, Bollig appears to have continued to run the business, as he is still mentioned in an address book in 1871. A deed of conveyance in 1860, in which a plot of land was transferred from Johann Bollig to Johann Hahn, proves the close social relationship between the two. Johann Hahn’s widow (Margarethe) is named as the owner in 1879 and again in 1896. After her death (around 1900), her son, the aforementioned Johann Hahn, became the owner.
From Zons' past -
The journey from the coal depot to the hotel
The “coal store”, which had been here since at least the 18th century, most recently owned by the Hahn family, became the “Volksgarten” in 1903, which gave the restaurant its name. It was not only the influx of tourists, which had increased significantly since the turn of the century, who made use of the seating with its idyllic view, but also the men of the village, for example, who sat down here for a “Frühschoppen” after Sunday mass. The photo dates from around 1905. From August 1927, Hahn operated a petrol station for the “Olex-Deutsche Petroleum- und Verkaufsgesellschaft m.b.H.” chain, consisting of just one petrol pump, at the restaurant building directly on Parkstraße for several years. After Hahn’s death in the early 1930s, the restaurant was passed on to his son Willi.
See for yourself the unique atmosphere that once began in a historic coal warehouse and is reflected in the hospitality and elegance of our hotel and restaurant today.
We look forward to welcoming you here!